The considerable stocks of the City of Nuremberg's art collections are not permanently displayed to the public in their own museum, but are either looked after by other museums (mainly the Germanisches Nationalmuseum) as objects on permanent loan, or they are on loan to municipal offices as "office pictures" or are on show in Nuremberg Municipal Museums (mainly in the City Museum at Fembo House).
The major part of the stock is stored in depots and kept ready for exhibitions and academic research. Particularly high priority is therefore attached to the storage of the art stock in depots, to loans for special and temporary exhibitions, to helping with academic enquiries and the transfer of objects on permanent loan to other museums.
The major part of the municipal art collection is currently kept in five depots distributed in the Nuremberg city area. State-of-the-art depot and storage technology is the prerequisite for a smoothly running organisation. Any necessary restoration work is farmed out to freelance restorers.
Since 2005, a computer-aided inventory has been increasingly implemented. We hope to achieve more efficient access to all our extensive stock this way.