The Concept behind the Collection
Today, the city's holdings have several main thematic focuses. Historical portraiture includes portraits of members of the bourgeoisie and aristocracy, mayors, savants like librarians and professors, baroque rulers, and a complete collection of portraits of the kings of Bavaria that have been gradually acquisitioned for the City Hall since 1806. There are also documents of historical events and views of the city. The collections also include an impressive range of religious and mythological themes. Collecting in the early 20th century focused primarily on German art until around 1930. Later, between 1968 and 1998, the emphasis turned to international art, and until late 2006, the collections also added works by contemporary Franconian artists.
The city also has extensive holdings of items of cultural history: coins and medallions, furniture, gold work and scientific instruments, paintings on glass, cultural documentation, and antique craft work.