Picture gallery for the new Permanent Exhibition

Mid- to Late February 2022

A first look at the expanded exhibition space
Now that fixtures and small pieces of wall have been removed, some spaces have taken on a whole new personality. Opening up the area behind the former section on the Nuremberg Trials has created entirely new possibilities for the future Permanent Exhibition.

Mid-December 2021

A final cleanup of the old exhibition
With the dismantling of the steel walls, a task that only heavy equipment could complete, the old Permanent Exhibition, "Fascination and Terror," is history, and now there's room for the new one! The new Permanent Exhibition is scheduled to open in 2024.

Mid-August 2021

Structural preparations advance on the exhibition level

Several walls have been torn down in the last few weeks to provide bigger exhibition spaces. Entirely new exhibition areas are being opened up at the end of the old exhibition itinerary.

Early June 2021

The old exhibition spaces are being expanded at some points for the new Permanent Exhibition. Since walls have to be torn down, the ceiling is getting temporary supports.

The glass exhibition panels have been removed and the raw walls remain.