"As long as there are tables and people who enjoy socializing around them, there will also be board games on those tables." Alexander Randolph
"City-Country-Play!" (Stadt-Land-Spielt!) is an initiative to promote games as a cultural asset in society, conceived by the German Games Archive in collaboration with other partners in 2013.
People all around the world play games, and have played them for millennia. The cultural diversity is vast, from ancient knucklebone dice games, to chess and Parcheesi, to today’s board and card games. Games are always a mirror of their society.
The project is intended to highlight the social and cultural value of games, and to clear away the myth that they're mere "kid stuff." Nothing brings the different sides of life together the way a game does – serious concentration and fun, delight and frustration, winning and losing – for all generations, and across all national boundaries.
The German Games Archive in Nuremberg, the German Games Museum in Chemnitz, the Games Center in Herne, the Austrian Games Museum and the Drübberholz Games Center have joined together to celebrate games as a cultural asset, and invite everyone nationwide to come play on this day of parlor games.