Germany – A Land of Players: Nuremberg – a City of Games
Germany is a land of players. Every year, some 700 new games are released at the internationally renowned trade shows in Nuremberg and Essen. No other country has such a lively games scene. The boom in parlor games since the 1970s has not only increased production, but also led to a wider range of game types. The German Games Archive is a keystone institution in this games movement. Founded in Marburg in 1985, today its collection includes about 30,000 games documenting the production of German-language games since 1945.
Since 2010, Nuremberg, with its unique history of toy and game production, and as the location of the world's most important toy show, has provided an ideal environment for the Archive to continue its valuable work.
The German Games Archive continues its active pursuit of the archival core tasks of collecting, organizing and preserving games. It is also developing into a national source of information on all aspects of games, and provides many different services for the game industry, the media and the interested public. With a wealth of playing activities, the Archive will be expanding its public reach, and will ultimately develop from an archive into an active games and playing center.
Specialists and groups may view the Archive's holdings by appointment. The Archive's extensive library is also available to interested visitors by appointment.