A thousand years of Nuremberg’s history in compact form: something you can only get from "A Crown – Power – History." The reorganized exhibition hall at the Fembo House presents Nuremberg’s full dramatic past at a glance: from its dazzling rise as one of Europe's greatest centers of politics, trade and art during the Renaissance, to its arduous rebuilding after World War II.
Beginning with the fine reproductions of the "Crown Jewels" – Nuremberg sheltered the originals for almost 400 years from 1424 onward – the main thematic emphases come to life in precious paintings, valuable objects and contemporary photographs. Using an easy-to-operate media guide, visitors in a hurry can readily acquire a good sense of Nuremberg in just 30 minutes, and get to know the milestones in its history.
Those with more time and leisure can delve deeper with the digital guide system, and explore the city from unusual perspectives. In brief audio dramas, prominent visitors and immigrants from various eras tell what they experienced here and what their lives were like in the city. It’s both entertaining and impressive – and available in nine languages (Arabic, Chinese, Czech, English, French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish).