The Toy Museum's holdings comprise some 85,000 objects. Only about five percent of these can be displayed in the Museum itself; the rest slumber in storage. But here you have a unique opportunity to get an electronic look behind the scenes at the Museum. Our database currently offers about 84,000 items for you to research at your leisure.
Ende 1994 wurde mit der systematischen, EDV-gestützten Inventarisierung der umfangreichen Depotbestände des Museums in Text und Bild begonnen. Unterstützt von der staatlichen Arbeitsverwaltung, der Landesstelle für die nichtstaatlichen Museen in München sowie dem Förderverein des Spielzeugmuseums, inventarisieren wissenschaftliche Fachkräfte nun laufend die Neuzugänge.
All photographs are for purely documentary purposes, so you mustn't expect "glamor shots." Also, please note that this resource primarily includes holdings that are kept in storage. Only a small number of items on permanent exhibition – for example, from the wooden toy collection – are included.
The Toy Museum team wishes you a highly informative visit to the Virtual Storeroom!
Virtual Storeroom
Please note:
This service is available only in German.