Even in his own day, Albrecht Dürer’s art was already well known to his contemporaries and artist colleagues, because important works were easily accessible in his numerous copperplate engravings and woodcuts. They have always inspired the work of other artists, whether in making copies for practice, out of reverence for a great master – or also as more or less obvious counterfeits.
Starting from a small core of original Dürer engravings and woodcuts, since 1971 the city has worked with the Albrecht-Dürer-Haus-Stiftung e. V. to build up the world’s most extensive collection on the artist’s posthumous influence. It includes not only graphics but paintings and sculpture. New holdings are constantly being acquired. A representative selection of high-quality copies of Dürer masterpiece paintings has been on view at the Dürer Room of the Albrecht Dürer House since 2012.
The Albrecht-Dürer-Haus-Stiftung
The Dürer Room of Albrecht Dürer's House
Special exhibitions of works from these holdings are on temporary exhibit at our Albrecht Dürer House Museum (the Graphics Cabinet) and the Fembohaus Municipal Museum.