From Dürer's workshop into the world.

The winding paths of his works

Dürer Lectures 2023. Photo: Oliver Frank

Dürer Lectures 2024

The annual Dürer Lectures have become an internationally acclaimed event since 2002. They are jointly organized by the Cultural Unit of the City of Nuremberg, the Nuremberg Municipal Museums and the Albrecht Dürer House Foundation e.V. The series aims to present and discuss new research findings and is dedicated to changing focal points. Not least the Dürer Lectures are intended as a forum for young academics.

Topic 2024: From Dürer's workshop into the world. The winding paths of his works

Dürer's art was given away, sold, inherited and stolen, and some works were lost or destroyed. The surviving works have a centuries-long story and often changed places and owners several times. Today, Dürer's artistic legacy is scattered all over the world. The fate of the works of art is often as exciting as a thriller, sometimes tragic, and in any case highly revealing.

Therefore this year's Dürer lectures are dedicated to object biographies and collection histories. The aim is to trace the paths of Dürer's works, follow the trail of lost works and research provenances.


9.15 a.m.Welcome & Introduction
Dr. Christine Demele (Nuremberg)
9.25 a.m.Greeting
Florian Abe, Albrecht Dürer House Foundation e.V.
9.30 a.m.All roads lead to Vienna. The Viennese nobility collects Dürer drawings
Stephanie Sailer (Vienna)
10.15 a.m.The graphic heritage of Albrecht Dürer in the collection of the Kharkiv Art Museum
Dr. Marina Filatova (Kharkiv)
11 a.m."So gett man in Hewsern Nörmerck": Nuremberg costume drawings by Dürer – history of their provenance and research
Dr. Dilshat Harman (Göttingen)
11.45 a.m. to
1.15 p.m.
Lunch break
1.15 p.m.Dürer's drawings in Russia
Natalia Sepman (St. Petersburg)
2 p.m.War returnees: Dürer in the Kunsthalle Bremen
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Eichwede (Bremen/Berlin)
2.45 p.m.Churches from the outside, pubs from the inside? Questions and answers on Dürer's silverpoint drawing book of the Dutch journey
Dr. Christof Metzger (Vienna)
3.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.Coffee break
4.30 p.m.“Vnd hab alle meine thefelle verkawft pis an eins": Dürer, the Venetian painters' guild and six lost panels
Llane Fragoso Maldonado (Berlin)
5.15 p.m.Manipulated signs. Real and false Dürer monograms in 16th century woodcuts
Dr. Livia Cárdenas (Greifswald/Berlin)

Dürer Room at the Albrecht Dürer House

The conference will be held in German.

Pre-registration unfortunately is not possible, a timely arrival therefore recommended.
Admission from 9.00 a.m.

Admission free