Struggle against National Socialism
Human Rights

The crimes of the Nazi regime triggered worldwide outrage. In 1948, the United Nations reacted by adopting the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights". This document formulated moral, political and legal foundations for government action. Subsequent human rights pacts, for the first time in history, formulated universally acknowledged rights for individual human beings. Following a discussion after the exhibition visit, the 30 articles of the Declaration and their implementation in Germany and in other countries are addressed. To what extent the hopes of 1948 have been fulfilled and the role human rights play in today's politics is examined in group work and discussions.

During the 6-hour programme, there is a focus on the phenomenon of anti-Semitism with its manylayered manifestations.

Target group:

young people, 8th to 12th form, apprentices, university students, army


Human Rights Office of the City of Nuremberg
The Nuremberg Human Rights Center