Questions about research

The collection of the Documentation Centre is still being developed. If you have any questions regarding the following topics, please contact the archives listed below:

Documents and photographs on the construction history of the Nazi Party Rally Grounds and documents on denazification:
Nuremberg Municipal Archives

Administrative events relating to Middle Franconia, 1933-45:
Nuremberg State Archives

Documents about the internal condition, functioning, self-image and procedures of the National Socialist party at the Gauleiter and Kreisleiter levels, and documents on denazification:
Munich State Archives

Personnel files on officials of the Bavarian state government, 1933-45:
Munich State Archives

File of National Socialist party members, holdings of the former Berlin Document Center, personnel data on the National Socialist elite 1933-45, finding aids on membership in the SA, SS and other National Socialist organizations. Inventory of the German Search Service (Deutscher Suchdienst, WASt) preserving original documentation of the former German Wehrmacht and other military and paramilitary units from the World War II era and information to family members on the personal data of participants in the war.
The Federal Archives

The International Search Service (Internationaler Suchdienst, ITS) in Bad Arolsen assisted victims of Nazi persecution and their family members by documenting their fate through its archives. The historical testimonies are available in an online archive for research and education:
The Arolsen Archives "Digital Collections Online"