Documentation Center Nazi Party Rally Grounds
Bayernstraße 110
90478 Nuremberg
Answers to all kinds of questions about visiting the Museum, getting books by mail and registering for events
Tel. +49 (0)911 231 - 75 38
Monday to Sunday: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.

PD Dr Imanuel Baumann
Director of the Documentation Center Nazi Party Rally Grounds
Head of the Culture of Remembrance and Contemporary History Department
Tel. +49 (0)911 231 - 1 68 92
Contact form

Rebecca Weiß M.A.
Research Specialist of the Culture of Remembrance and Contemporary History Department
Tel. +49 (0)911 231 - 1 08 60
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Staff of the Documentation Center Nazi Party Rally Grounds

Dr. Astrid Betz
Research specialist, curator, facilitation, events
Tel. +49 (0)911 231 - 73 30
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Dr. Martina Christmeier
Research specialist, curator, public relations
Tel. +49 (0)911 231 - 84 09
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Daniela Harbeck-Barthel M.A.
Museologist, collection management, social media
Tel. +49 (0)911 231 - 16 889
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Isabel Hauenstein M.A.
Research specialist, curator, social media
Tel. +49 (0)911 231 - 16 895
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Dr. Alexander Schmidt
Research specialist, curator, head of collection
Tel. +49 (0)911 231 - 84 12
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Andreas Stelzl M.A.
Research specialist, curator, social media
Tel. +49 (0)911 231 - 84 131
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Silvia Karg
Administrative support specialist, secretary's desk, general inquiries, project support
Tel. +49 (0)911 231 - 1 68 92
Monday to Thursday: 9 a.m. - 12 a.m. and 13 p.m. - 3 p.m.
Contact form
Booking Office
Educational Services: Schedule and reservations
Carina Hampf M.A.
Booking office staff, social media
Heidi Pfann
Booking office staff
Questions about reservations and advice:
Tel. +49 (0)911 231 - 73 12
Monday to Thursday: 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., Friday: 9 a.m. - 12 a.m.
Press and Public Relations
The Collection
Information: From the collection
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Technical support
Tobias Richter
Technical equipment staff, media equipment, building systems, technical equipment workshop
Tel. +49 (0)911 231 - 75 48
Monday to Friday: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
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