This is no fiction. It's a true story. It's the story of my family, a story of personal courage in the face of despotism. My uncle Hans Litten and his mother and my grandmother Irmgard never stood down but fought for justice and humanity until the very end.
Patricia Litten
As a junior lawyer, Hans Litten dared to openly confront Hitler. In May 1931 during the famous Eden Dance Palace Trial in Berlin he cross-examined the Führer-to-be, thus evoking the dictator's enduring ire. He was amongst the first of the Führer's political opponents to be rounded up after the Nazis' rise to power. Hitler never managed to bear his former cross-examiner's name being spoken in his presence. Five years of unbearable torture followed during which he got moved through several concentration camps. His suicide in Dachau in February 1938 may be seen as his final act of defiance. Finally, In Dachau his spirit broke and he committed suicide in February 1938.
After there was nothing left to do for her son, Irmgard Litten left Germany for good and wrote this moving narrative.
Patrica Litten delivers far more than a simple reading of her grandmother's book about her uncle Hans. While drawing comparisons with the current political situations in different parts of the world, time and again she keeps asking: How would we have reacted? In various countries around the globe human-right activists are being pursued, some arrested, some being tortured, amongst them lawyers, journalists, bloggers, filmmakers.
Please send booking inquiries to
Target group:
Young people, Grade 10 to 12, trainees, Studierende, university students, police service, armed forces
3 hours
Participants (max):
25 persons or one school class
180 EUR/ 90 EUR reduced