Financing for the project for the Documentation Center Nazi Party Rally Grounds was finalized in June 1999 at an estimated DM 18 million (EUR 9 million). The Federal Republic of Germany, the Free State of Bavaria in conjunction with the Bavarian State Foundation, and the City of Nuremberg in conjunction with the District of Middle Franconia, each assumed one-third of the investment cost, thus jointly sharing the responsibility for this task of national importance. The City of Nuremberg pays for ongoing maintenance of the Documentation Center.
The exhibitions and the associated Study Forum received continuing support even after 2001 from:
- The Bavarian State Agency for Civic Education
- The District of Middle Franconia
- The State Office for Non-State Museums in Bavaria
- Publisher Bruno Schnell/ Nürnberger Presse publishing house
- Foundation to Support the Documentation Center Nazi Party Rally Grounds
- Zukunftsstiftung of Sparkasse Nürnberg

The Documentation Center has been undergoing an expansion since the fall of 2020. As was also the case previously, when the Documentation Center was first being established, the cost of EUR 16.8 million is being shared among the German government, the Free State of Bavaria, and the City of Nuremberg. This is an expression of their ongoing joint mission, here at the world's best-known site of the National Socialists' staged pageantry, to inform future generations about the establishment, self-presentation, propaganda efforts and social image of the Nazi regime, as well as its consequences.
The new Permanent Exhibition is being prepared with EUR 3.7 million in funding from the German government. This covers half of the project's EUR 7.4 million budget; the remainder will be financed by the Free State of Bavaria and the City of Nuremberg, who will contribute EUR 1.85 million each.