Since the earliest days of National Socialism, Adolf Hitler has risen from the party's "drummer boy" to its unconditional "Führer," or "leader," respected and even adored by millions.
A carefully orchestrated myth, behind which Hitler the man increasingly vanishes, elevates him from a failure in everyday life into a figure chosen by providence to save the people and the nation. Hitler is considered the greatest German, the greatest statesman, the nation’s foremost artist and builder – and once war begins, the greatest general of all time. The myth portrays Hitler as a unique genius, yet also as a simple man of the folk, a man without personal needs, who "wears himself out" serving the people.
Thus arises the fantasy of an infallible superman, able to master any task. From Messiah-like vessel of salvation to good neighbor – that gives an idea of the breadth of attributes that the myth deployed to recruit people for Hitler.
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