Original Dürer! Dürer Engraves Peasants

Albrecht Dürer: Peasant Couple Dancing, 1514, engraving. Picture credits: The City of Nuremberg's Art Collections

28 February to 22 June 2025

Presentation of original prints in the Albrecht Dürer House

The peasant life around 1500 was characterised through serfdom, tax liabilities and poverty. The resentment among peasants about their situation had been growing for a long time. Because they were not given a voice in politics, uprisings arose leading to the German Peasants' War in 1524. The war reached Franconia in 1525. The princes, who wanted to keep their order of estates, turned these riots down with violence. The urban and middle-class population also took note of these incidents. Despite that, depictions of peasants are rare in Dürers Work. The series "Original Dürer!" is dedicated to this topic with six engravings and one woodcut.

No further costs apart from the museum entrance fee.