Extended until 22 October 2023!
Far-right terrorism is a threat in Germany and worldwide. The violence associated with it is directed against individuals and groups to even entire sections of populations and society as a whole. Far-right terrorists plan and commit attacks, assaults and murders. Their intention is to weaken the state and society and to create a climate of fear.
The exhibition includes over 20 examples of far-right terrorist violence between 1945 and today. Examples from Nuremberg and the local area are set in relation to national and international cases. It becomes clear that far-right terrorism is not a temporary and local phenomenon of the present, but a constant part of German and international history. A special focus lies on the perspective of victims and those affected by far-wing terrorist violence. In addition, the exhibition raises the question of how far-wing terrorist crimes are dealt with in society and by courts.
The exhibition was curated by the Memorium Nuremberg Trials and is supported by the GLS-Treuhand Foundation, the Free State of Bavaria with budget funds from the Bavarian State Ministry for Family, Labor and Social Affairs and the Amadeu Antonio Foundation. The accompanying program takes place in cooperation with the Bavarian Department for Political Education.
All texts and captions of the exhibition are available in English and German.
Adress of the Exhibition
Memorium Nuremberg Trials
Cube 600
Fürther Straße 104
90429 Nürnberg
Opening Hours
The temporary exhibition can be seen during the regular opening hours of the Memorium Nuremberg Trials.
Admission is free of charge. Temporary exhibitions can be visited independently of the permanent exhibition of the Memorium.
Important Note
Registration is required for exhibition visits in groups of more than five people.
Educational Program
Accompanying the temporary exhibition, we offer workshops and guided tours for groups in English language. School classes and interested groups can book them individually. We are happy to provide you with further information on your options and the costs. Please contact us and provide us with the following information:
Tel. +49 (0)911 231 - 28 614 or
- First name and surname
- Institution/ school (if applicable)
- Telephone number
- Number of people attending
- Grade level (if applicable)
- Desired date and time of the program, alternative if possible